A Springtime Boost for Didsbury Park


It really felt like Spring was on the way this morning as we volunteered in double figure temperatures and right across the park the spring bulbs were bursting into life. Picture 1 shows a typical scene with Diane standing among some beautiful crocuses near the new bench. 

We had a good turnout of 34 volunteers today which included Christopher a new volunteer from Hyde,  Chloe and Summer from HHGLOBAL, Jonathan from DATAMINE and some family help from Joanne and young Alexander who did a great litter pick across the whole park.  Everybody was made very welcome.  


Following the demise of the box hedging we have been considering many options which would still look attractive but give some protection from dogs, off the lead, running across the roundabout flower bed. Our latest experiment today was to use willow cuttings to create a firm but decorative small barrier around the edge of the circular flower bed.

Picture 2 shows the team of Kevin, Sandra and Carl M looking proudly on the finished article after they had completed the installation of the fencing.  Thank you Kevin, Sandra and Carl - you have done a great job and it looks really attractive. Fingers crossed that it does the job we need. 


 Picture 3 shows Adrian and Carl N testing the new kick fencing (by sitting on it!) which they had just installed. This new section of kick fencing has completely replaced the previous rotten section which had eventually snapped. This new section looks great guys. A superb job! Thank you.

Later on, Adrian and Carl N moved onto some further necessary maintenance jobs. Picture 4 shows both the 3 new wheelbarrows which had been suitably painted with the DIDSBURY PARK VOLUNTEERS label and the sports line marker which had had a new cotter pin installed. These were all great jobs - thank you Adrian and Carl 


We took advantage today of the warmer weather to begin our annual maintenance programme of the many beautiful wooden carvings we have around the park. Gill B started the programme off first thing this morning by cleaning the butterfly carving by Andy Burgess at the Sandhurst Road pedestrian entrance. Thank you Gill..Gill was quickly supported by reinforcements in the form of Christine, Jane, Chloe and Summer.

Picture 5 shows Chloe, Summer, Christine and Jane cleaning the 3 dog carving, later in the morning. After finishing this cleaning the team moved onto the children's woodland trail and cleaned up and applied preservative to 3 of the 8 woodland animals. This was a magnificent start to the park's wooden carvings maintenance! Thank you everyone. 


The relentless demand for leaf mulch around the park continued once again today. Firstly we identified the flower beds at the end of the Flower Walk, then around the corner next to the Bird Garden and finally Jude identified priority for the long stretch of flower bed from the roundabout to the children's playground where the vinca are planted  I am pleased to say that Tristan, Jonathan, Shashvat, Christopher and Wahid all rose to the challenge and kept up an endless supply all morning.

Picture 6 shows Christopher, Jonathan and Wahid just about to spread 3 wheelbarrows of mulch around the vinca. Thank you guys - this was a great job.  


Since Joyce has been on the RHS fruit tree pruning course we have had a huge input of knowledge into our volunteers team on how we should be managing all our fruit trees which we have planted over the years in the Bird Garden. There is definitely a buzz of excitement about pruning correctly so that we stand a good chance of having a crop of fruit this year.

Picture 7 shows the team of  Allan, Joyce and Carl M having just completed this year's pruning schedule. Thank you all - this is really something to look forward to!  


Over the last few years there has been a huge amount of work undertaken on the Flower Walk to rid it of ground elder and bindweed. Gradually, with a lot of hard work and dedication we have cleaned up over half of the  Flower Walk. Today Julie, Lucy and Jude got stuck in to continue this work towards the Sandhurst Road.

Picture 8 shows Jude and picture 9 shows Julie and Lucy hard at work removing these insidious weeds from the Flower Walk. Thank you - this flower bed just gets better and better. 


Picture 10 shows Denise once again using her horticultural expertise to make a huge difference to the flower beds in the middle of the park.

During the last few weeks Denise has been working intensely on the flower beds around Buddy and Lucy, the rose beds and today it was the turn of the triangular bed. Thank you Denise. All these flower beds are a pleasure to look at especially as they look so colourful and cared for. 


  • Thank you once again to Brenda for keeping the Gillbrook Road entrance so clean and tidy

  • Thank you to Kevin for leading a team of people including Lorna, Anne and Gill B in the art of dry hedge creation. This is not only educational, good for the environment and insect population but it also makes great use of pruned timber.  Thank you all.

  • Thank you also  to Gill N and Grace who re-stocked all the dog bag dispensers at every entrance to the park.


  • A reminder that it is the Friends of Didsbury Park AGM on Wednesday at 7:30pm in the DIdsbury Neighbourhood Centre. All members are invited.

  • Our volunteer colleagues at Fletcher Moss are having a hard time after the floods and are holding a special event on Wednesday at 1pm - Meet at the Croft,  to focus on clearing up after the disastrous floods. If anybody can spare any time to help they will be very grateful.  

  • I have been asked to bring to your attention that a rewilded green space known as Ryebank Fields in Manchester is under threat from a planning application by MMU for a housing development. If you would like to protest, then more information can be obtained from website https://ryebankfieldscommunity.co.uk or email ryebankfieldscommunity@gmail.com  

Thank you once again for your amazing support.


A Beautiful Day of Volunteering in Didsbury Park


The Didsbury Mouse Trail Comes to Didsbury Park